2021-05-05 Playground Wedding

:: 婚錄推薦 :: Philipp + Kristen / 君品酒店 Palais de Chine Hotel Taipei

Kristen : Amazing wedding videographer with the most touching same day edit (SDE)! We have chosen Playground to accompany us on our big day as our wedding videographer. And we couldn’t be any happier that we chose them. Arriving early in the morning to start filming all the process of getting ready all the way through to 11pm in the night, the team around Eva and Dennis were always on our side, ready to record all the touching moments we would like to remember in the future. At all the times, they were so professional that you wouldn’t even notice they were there. More than that, they have such good experience that they know exactly what shots we should prepare to create an amazing video. It was therefore really efficient when they instructed us about the next shots. It was really a good experience in communicating and working together with them. But let me come to the most important part, the same day edit. We have decided to also ask Playground to produce a same day edit for us. We cannot emphasize enough how AMAZING this edit was! What they were able to pull off in a few hours recording from the morning to the night, was just over any expectation we could have. When we were sitting there at the end of the wedding, looking at the same day edit for the first time, it was so so touching. Having this SDE as part of our wedding program and as the highlight of the night, being shown at the end of the wedding, was a great closure for us as the couple and all the other guests. It was a day of great emotions, tears and happiness. All this was incorporated in the SDE at the end. We are very grateful that we had Playground on our side on that day and we would choose them again any time. Thank you so much for making our wedding so special!

非常開心我們選擇了Playground團隊陪伴我們並幫我們紀錄著生命中最重要的一天。 團隊在清晨到達,開始拍攝直到晚上11點為止的所有準備工作,攝影師們一直在我們身邊,隨時準備記錄我們想記住的所有感動時刻。 團隊的專業以及擁有豐富的經驗,以至於他們確切地知道我們應該準備什麼鏡頭才能製作出令人讚嘆的畫面。因此,當他們指導我們接下來的拍攝時,一切都發生的非常自然,能與他們合作真的是一次很好的經驗。 除了Dennis超凡的攝影功力,我們也必須強調剪接師剪接編輯的功力!從早上到晚上,他們在幾個小時的錄影中所取得的素材就超出了我們的期望。婚禮結束時我們坐在那兒,第一次看同一天的剪輯,真是太感動了。在婚禮結束時展示這個SDE作為我們婚禮計劃的一部分,並作為夜晚的亮點,對我們作為新人和所有其他客人來說是一個很棒的體驗。這是充滿情感,淚水和幸福的一天。所有這一切都在這個的SDE精華中。 我們非常感謝那天有Playground陪伴著我們,以後一定也會繼續選擇這麼棒跟優秀的團隊!非常感謝您使我們的婚禮如此特別!

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